Virginia Woolf

Letter from Virginia Woolf to Gladys Easdale

30 March [1936]


Virginia Woolf

Fol. 1 r.


Monday, March 30th [1936]


Dear Mrs Easdale,


The daffodils came this morning,

quite fresh and very lovely. I think I

know the valley they came from?

remember picking daffodils there one spring

long ago when we had a home at Lyme.

Thank you so much for sending them.

I agree about the Cow. Why kill it?

Still, what one would do with a swimming

cow I don't know. It might have

taken to other practices if you had it.

I'm trying to finish my proofs, and hope

you will like the book, if it should


Virginia Woolf

Fol. 1 v.


ever come out, which I begin to doubt. But

I'm afraid it's too long and too ambitious and a


I'm sorry you should say the same

of your book, but I don't agree.

If you had used proper names, I daresay

the public interest would have been

excited. They like personalities, not ideas.

Excuse this rambling letter. My

eyes are so tired after reading proofs and my

brain too.

Yours very [?]

Virginia Woolf