Rules of College Hall

Proposed Rules of College Hall

26 July 1882


College Hall Rules

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Meeting of July 26th 1882

Professor Morley in the Chair

Present – Mrs Croom Robertson, Mr Busk,

Mrs F. Pollock, Miss Grove, Mrs Bennett,

Miss Kilgour, Professor Carey Foster,

Miss J. M. Browne, Miss Browne


Proposed Rules

Miss Grove, having been asked

at the previous meeting to prepare a draft

of Rules for the consideration of the

Committee, was asked to submit the

same to the meeting. Each rule was

separately discussed.


Admission of Students

With regard to the admission of students

it was decided that a formal testimonial

as to character should not be required.

In the absence of any entrance examination


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it was decided, on the suggestion of Professor Morley

that "applications to the Principal for

admission to residence in the Hall must be

accompanied by a written statement of the

course of study already pursued, and of

that intended by the applicant". Rule II


Dismissal of a Student

Respecting the question of the dismissal of a student

it was suggested that the power should rest

with the Principal, Miss Grove and other

members of the Committee were opposed

to this method, considering that the

sanction of the Committee should be

obtained for any such entrence (sic) step;

the suggestion was made that the Committee

should include two members chosen by

the students as their representatives.

But as the representation of students

was too large a question to consider without


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special notice, the point under discussion was decided in the following

way: that the Principal "shall have power,

with the sanction of the Committee, to request

any student to withdraw". Rule X

It was moved by Mrs F. Pollock

and seconded by Mr Crown Robertson

that the Rules which had been discussed

and revised be accepted; this was

carried unanimously.