Frances Mary Buss

Letter from Frances Mary Buss concerning the regulations of the special examination for women

1 June 1876


Frances Mary Buss

Fol. 1 r.


Notes on The Women's Examination


1.       The regulations issued for the Women's

Examination are, of course, clear to the

authorities, but it is surely evident from

the general failure, that they were not

clear to those, from whom they were intended.

Miss Beale, for instance, as little understood

as I did, that the standard in Latin was

to be raised.


2.       By a minute comparison of the

Women's regulations with the matriculation

regulations - for several years - it may be

possible to see that more Latin was demanded

in the latter, in spite of the statement in

the former, "That the standard in corresponding

subjects was the same", but this expects us


Frances Mary Buss

Fol. 1 v.


to study the regulations of an examination, from

which we are excluded, in order to understand

the regulations of the one, to which we are

admitted. I had no special motive for

studying the Matriculation regulations and

therefore did not so.


3.       Confusion caused by the two programmes.

There was no uniformity

in Euclid, English Language and English

History, there were two papers in each subject.

           In German, no notice whatever

was put on the paper, but the examiner

gave oral notice. This was not understood

in every case.

           In French a lithographed

notice called attention to some difference

between Old and New regulations.


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           In Latin Grammar there was no

notice of a difference. In Latin Translation

the choice of the prepared or unprepared piece

was apparently optional, it being stated that

"This need not be attempted", etc.


4.       With regard to the Chemistry -

"The attention of the Examiner was called to a

question (one out of six!) which was beyond the

scope of the regulations". This was done by the

girls themselves in a memorial, which they

drew up and send ot him. This act on their

part caused me a great amount of anxiety,

lest in their youthful ignorance, they should

have been guilty of some unintentional disrespect.

If the girls had not risked this, would not the

Examiner have remained ignorant of his own

mistake and the candidates have suffered?



           Frances Mary Buss


           June 1st 1876